Nyheter 15.05.2019

Haukiputaan Sähköosuuskunta takes a leap towards the future with metering system renewal

Finnish electricity cooperative Haukiputaan Sähköosuuskunta (HSO) is responsible for the transmission and distribution of electricity for some 10,000 metering points in its operation area north of Oulu. Distribution network operation forms 85 % of the company’s turnover; in addition, the company sells installation services and accessories as well as grid construction services. The 100-year-old company owned by its customers is a strong local operator to whom investing in continuous development of operations is a way to respond to the changes of the energy system and to regulatory requirements.

In March HSO and Aidon agreed on a metering system renewal. Along with the agreement, the ten-year-old metering system based on PLC communication gives way to new generation technology.

Aidon delivers to Haukipudas some 10,000 smart meters and a new generation Gateware central system, which will convey not only reading data but also the meters’ notifications of power outages, disruptions and deviations in the grid. The new generation system is based on Aidon RF technology, in which the meters autonomously form a radio network which is used for data communication.

CEO of HSO, Juha Sipola justifies the system renewal:

– With the new system we are taking a leap towards the future and we will be ready for Datahub and 15-minute series, for instance. In addition to improved SLA levels, we will receive information from the distribution network, which will significantly facilitate our work and enable us to offer better service for our customers. I am extremely confident about us having made a good choice and that we will get an ultra-modern system. Having an experienced Finnish company as a partner gives a solid foundation for the project.

Meter renewal work will start in the Autumn and is intended to be finished within four years. To balance out the installers’ workload, device installations will be mainly done during winters, when there is less grid construction work.

Aidon’s Business Unit Director Petteri Heinänen is happy about the collaboration with the new customer.

– HSO has shown strong will for developing their operations and utilising new technology. After the customer’s comprehensive and precise procurement process, it feels great to start this project in a good collaboration mode.