Metering services and systems

AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) is a crucial part of the energy distribution system: it provides the necessary data for invoicing, while securing energy distribution and grid maintenance processes.

Aidon offers the metering functionality in three alternative solution models, from which the distribution system operator can choose the option that best suits its own operating model.

Metering as a Service (MaaS)

A comprehensive service in which Aidon is responsible for the customer’s metering operations end to end, from devices to the distribution system operator’s business systems. This metering service is based on the modern service provisioning platform developed by Aidon, the strengths of which are a high degree of automation and an easy integration with the customer’s systems.

Aidon ACloud, Software as a Service (SaaS)

Aidon takes care of the set-up of the system environment as well as system hosting, lifetime maintenance and security updates. The customers operate the cloud-based system via web-based user interface and / or integration interfaces.

Aidon Gateware, managed by the customer

An on-premises metering system which runs in an IT environment managed and maintained by the customer. The customer is responsible for the daily operation of the system. The Gateware has a user-oriented, web-based user-interface which is designed for seamless control of operations. The system offers modern and versatile integration interfaces with the customer’s other systems.



Read more about Aidon MaaS:

Aidon to provide remote reading service for 170,000 Helen Electricity Network’s metering points
Read the news article

Two burning topics: chili growing and metering as a service
Read Juha Järvenpää’s reflections