Sustainability is a key driver in our corporate strategy
As a provider of key enabling technology for a greener and smarter grid, sustainability is a key driver in our corporate strategy.
Aidon’s long-term sustainability goal is to become a climate neutral company with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
Our sustainability strategy builds on eight distinct areas with guiding principles:
Trusted advisor for future-proof solutions
We create value to our customers by introducing sustainability advancing innovations which are based on a deep understanding of our customers’ business.
Partnerships, industrial relations and science-based relations
We seek partners who share our vision of sustainable solutions, add value to the solutions and are committed to a long-term cooperation.
Energy and transport
We strive to reduce our carbon footprint by improving the energy and transport efficiency of our operations.
Continuous innovation and development
We follow practises that respect a sustainable usage of material and energy, minimised waste and emissions, as well as safety and security through-out the product life cycle.
Business ethics and due diligence across our value chain
We ensure compliance with the ethical requirements through open dialogue with our stakeholders.
Employee engagement and development
We maintain and develop employees’ competences in line with our strategy.
Customer satisfaction
We foster long-term customer relationship through a continuous dialogue. We conduct an annual survey to measure and develop customer satisfaction.
Economic performance and growth
We aim to run a profitable business as well as retain and strengthen our position as the leading innovator in selected markets.