Markets & Customers

As the market leader in its core market – the Nordics – Aidon nowadays serves more than 140 distribution system operators (DSOs) with advanced solutions for metering and grid monitoring & management solutions. Our customer base is highly diversified and stable – from large regional distribution system operators to local utilities.

Our position is a result of the systematic, long-term work in creating customer-driven innovations, enabled by a close customer dialogue and our committed and competent team. We love collaborating with customers and partners who are willing to leverage the possibilities of new technologies for sustainable solutions that make sense.

The development of flexible and customer-focused energy system will create opportunities for new types of service business. While more and more DSOs are focusing on their core processes within energy distribution, the demand for new software and service solutions and the related expertise is increasing. At the same time, they seek possibilities to benefit from ‘as-a-service’ model by transferring certain system operation and maintenance activities to trusted partners.

By utilising our scalable technology platforms and the solid expertise gained from cooperation with our Nordic lead innovator customers, Aidon is nowadays offering various solution deployment alternatives from on-premise solutions to both SaaS and MaaS, ready to offer such services with the aim of expanding our business also beyond our current core markets.

Read more about how the customers view their collaboration with Aidon and how they think our solutions benefit their business.