News articles 23.03.2023
Aidon to provide remote reading service for 170,000 Helen Electricity Network’s metering points
In the summer of 2022, Helen Electricity Network and Aidon signed an agreement on the electricity metering renewal, which will continue and expand the long-term cooperation between Aidon and Helen Electricity Network. In addition to supplying the new metering devices, Aidon will also provide Helen Electricity Network with a remote reading service. In accordance with the agreement, the customer’s 170,000 metering points were transferred to Aidon’s cloud-based remote reading service in February.
“Transferring such a large mass of devices to our reading service was a large-scale operation. Thanks to the careful preparation and the seamless cooperation of all parties, it went smoothly – big thanks to Helen Electricity Network, the provider of the previous reading service, Enerim, and Elisa, which provides the connectivity for the reading service.
I also want to thank the experts of the Aidon service provisioning team for their excellent commitment. Overnight they became responsible for providing metering service covering 170,000 customers, including for instance the delivery of data from meters, technical customer service, fieldwork related to electricity metering as well as monitoring of service level,” says Liina Lehtonen, Service Center Manager responsible for Aidon’s service production.
“The successful transfer of the remote reading service for meters in production use required smooth cooperation between several companies and the right people. The actual transfer was carried out within half a day, and thus the change was not visible to Helen Electricity Network’s customers. The transfer was an important part of the project carried out together with Aidon. In the next phase of the project approximately 110,000 meters will be replaced,“ says Mika Nousiainen, Metering Manager at Helen Electricity Network.
In Finland, distribution system operators are increasingly switching to a comprehensive service model when it comes to energy metering. In the model the service provider is responsible for the daily operation and monitoring of the metering solution, including maintenance, development and information security of the system environment.
As a result of strong platform technology and service development, we at Aidon are capable to provide a high-quality total service to our customers. So far, we have signed agreements with our customers on providing the metering service to nearly one million metering points in Finland.