News articles 10.06.2022
Iin Energia chose a turn-key model from Aidon
Iin Energia and Aidon have agreed about cooperation which includes the delivery of new electricity meters, as well as metering and connectivity as services provided by Aidon.
Iin Energia is responsible for the supply and distribution of electricity in its network area on the coast of the Bothnian Bay, north of Oulu. The mission of the small company builds on process efficiency, which is based on smooth cooperation between trusted partners and systems. That is why the company looked for a turn-key solution in the energy metering renewal – a solution with seamless and reliable flow of information between systems and, as far as possible, without manual operations.
An important requirement for the new metering solution was that the selected meter type and the connectivity technology are proven in terms of reliability and performance in field use. In addition, the supplier’s customer support must be easily accessible when the time or expertise of the company’s own personnel is not sufficient to solve the situations that arise.
The total solution offered by Aidon responds well
to our company’s needs
Iin Energia chose Aidon as the supplier of the total solution which provides the company with metering and device connectivity as a service and approximately 5,000 new generation Aidon 6000 and 7000 series meters. The connectivity solution is a combination of RF technology and point-to-point connections: RF equipment is installed in agglomerations and settlements whereas in sparsely populated areas LTE-M/NB-IoT technology is used. The Aidon One service will be used to manage installation work and device connections. The installation work is carried out partly by the company’s own personnel and partly outsourced to a partner. The information produced by the metering devices will be used to manage the status and alarms of the energy distribution network.
According to Jouni Perälä, network manager at Iin Energia, the total solution offered by Aidon responds well to the company’s needs.
– We have already had a few hundred Aidon devices in use, so we have become familiar with the company and their technology and people. We have also listened to the experiences of other distribution system operators. Based on the overall picture of these and the bidding process, we chose Aidon as the supplier of our new solution, Perälä says.
The start of installations of the new devices is scheduled for the coming autumn. In the meantime, the necessary system integrations will be created and other necessary preparations for the implementation of the new solution will be made.
– Iin Energia’s driving idea is to focus on their core competences, supported by trusted service partners and modern technology solutions. This is very well in line with the model according to which we at Aidon have developed our new solution offering. I’m happy to welcome Iin Energia to join the forerunners and as a user of Aidon’s AMR 2.0 service package, says Petteri Heinänen, Business Director at Aidon.