Press releases 11.12.2024

ENERVIE pilots Aidon’s Feeder Line Measurement solution on their distribution transformer stations

ENERVIE Vernetzt GmbH, a regional distribution system operator based in South Westphalia in Germany, has successfully digitalised two distribution transformer stations in the city of Herdecke, using the Aidon Feeder Line Measurement solution as part of preparations for EnWG §14a regulation for grid capacity management. Enervie Vernetzt GmbH is a subsidiary of the ENERVIE Group, and responsible for building and operating networks for electricity, gas, and water distribution. The company serves around 400,000 customers. Enervie Vernetzt operates around 2,000 distribution transformer stations within their network.

With the Aidon FMD solution, all cable connections (L1, L2, L3, neutral conductor) are measured. Additionally, the total load of the station is measured with a four-quadrant load profile meter, the Aidon CT meter. The CT meter also serves as a gateway and transmits all measurement values to the Aidon head-end system. If needed, temperature and humidity sensors as well as status messages from short-circuit indicators and door openings can also be registered. The installation work was carried out as planned, taking about one hour per station with two installers.

In the associated software, Aidon Explorer, the measured data can be displayed in a flexible way. It is easy to see that both transformer stations have sufficient capacity, and the load curves are uniform.

Starting from the upcoming version in December, the data will be available in a higher resolution. Instead of the current 5-minute averages, 1-minute average values will be available. This applies to energy quantities and power (active/reactive), current and voltage values, and the power factor (COS φ).

With these values, ENERVIE Vernetzt can make informed decisions about whether and, if so, in which network areas intervention in accordance with §14a is necessary.