News articles 16.05.2024

AMM renewal project of Nettselskapet successfully completed

In the end of March, the 2nd phase of the renewal of Norwegian Nettselskapet AS’s AMM system delivered by Aidon was completed. Now all the company’s 25,000 old meters are replaced with advanced Aidon smart meters. With the new metering system ACloud, which is delivered as a secure cloud service, the collection of metering data has been significantly improved. At the same time, less operational resources are required, as Aidon is responsible for operating and maintaining the system environment.

Aidon and Nettselskapet, as well as OneCo as installation partner, delivered the project on time, with high quality and at agreed cost.

Nettselskapet is working towards automated and data-driven operation. The AMM investment provides them with possibilities for many extended automated functions, such as monitoring of earth faults, voltage levels and energy loss, as well as monitoring of transformer stations.

– From the start, Nettselskapet set clear requirements for the new solution, both technically and organisationally. An essential requirement was to receive the delivery as Turn Key, with clear responsibilities between the customer and the supplier. Aidon took on this responsibility and entered into a partner agreement with OneCo for the meter installations. We are very satisfied with the implementation and thank both Nettselskapet and OneCo for the good cooperation that has characterised the project. We now look forward to assisting Nettselskapet in increasing the value of their investment, by adopting new functionality for more efficient and secure network operation to the benefit of both Nettselskapet and their customers, says Hermund Slaatsveen, managing director of Aidon Norway.