Reflections 19.11.2020

Ilari Orava, CFO, Aidon Oy: Driving the change with sustainable solutions

Climate change calls for immediate actions: the share of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, should grow to 80% of electricity production on a global level in order to meet the Paris Agreement and keep global warming below 1.5 ̊C (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, October 2018).

We at Aidon see that society’s challenges are our challenges. With our solutions and through the way we act we promote the responsible use of natural resources and the development of efficient, low-emission energy systems.

Aidon has defined a corporate sustainability strategy, which focuses on eight distinct areas with guiding principles, commitments, goals and metrics. We strive for a balance between environmental, social and governance focus, a high degree of transparency and strong engagement in the society. A general principle in our strategy is to have sustainability integrated in our way of working.

We track our sustainability impact through selected key performance indicators (KPIs), which are integrated into the overall business plan of Aidon. With contributions and initiatives from across the Aidon organization and value chain, the sustainability KPIs are improving in all categories. For example, thanks to the efforts to decrease the volume of non-recyclable waste at Aidon Customization Center, all packaging, electronic, metal and wood waste collected from ACC are recycled since 2019. Also, by strengthening the focus of supply chain planning, the share of air cargo in total imported cargo, an important driver of CO2 emissions, has been reduced from 0.71% to 0.28%.

Despite the positive development, sustainability work at Aidon is a process of continuous improvement in all our daily actions. We follow and update the key performance indicators as we go and place more emphasis to the future. Our ambition is not only to meet our own sustainability goals but also to help our customers, the electricity users and other important stakeholders reach their sustainability goals. In our sustainability report our customer Vantaa Energy Electricity Network Ltd describes how automatic remote electricity metering contributes to customers’ energy awareness and how the kilometers driven by installers have decreased thanks to Aidon’s solutions.

Read more in our Sustainability Report 2019