Press releases 27.02.2020
Next generation’s smart meters for Jönköping Energi

Jönköping Energi has chosen Aidon as the supplier of next generation’s smart electricity metering solution. The contract covers 56,000 electricity meters, connectivity solution and a head-end-system.
With the Aidon solution Jönköping Energi will get a metering system with a range of advanced functionalities. For the customers it will provide the possibility to monitor and manage their energy consumption. For Jönköping Energi it will allow enhanced possibilities for monitoring of the distribution grid and securing a high quality of supply.
– I have a great trust in Aidon and look forward to starting our meter change project together. The new meters will contribute to making our grid smarter and at the same time open the possibilities for the development of new services and application areas. Our customers will be able to be more engaged within their energy usage. We see Aidon as the innovative partner we need in a long-term supplier relation, says Lise-Lotte Melin, Head of Metering Services at Jönköping Energi Elnät.
The change of meters will begin during the spring 2020.
– We are very pleased about the trust of Jönköping Energi. I’m convinced that our cooperation will result in a successful implementation of a robust smart grid platform which will support Jönköping Energi with new innovations and applications to the benefit of Jönköping Energi, their customers as well as the environment over the entire life cycle of the solution, says Tommi Blomberg, CEO Aidon.
More information:
Fredrik Rex, Managing Director, Aidon Sverige
+358 46 70 33 66 726
Lise-Lotte Melin, Head of Metering Services, Jönköping Energi Nät
+46 36 10 83 86