Nyhetsartikler 07.09.2022
Aiming at fluency of operation – Raaseporin Energia renews their metering system
Raaseporin Energia is over a 100 years old, modern and efficient energy company, which produces, sells and distributes electricity and district heat. The company’s operation is focused to the urban area of Tammisaari in the southern part of Finland, and the area of their distribution network is one of the smallest in the country. The company has around 7,000 customers in the network.
When Raaseporin Energia’s remote reading system, which had been in use for more than 15 years, started getting old, the company decided to switch to modern technology and renew the entire system at once. After tendering, they chose Aidon as the supplier of their new solution. The agreement consists of a reading system as a SaaS service and metering devices with a RF-technology based connectivity.
– When choosing the supplier, our most important criterion was overall economy including investment and operation costs. From the new system, we expect above all a fluent operation and metering value collection. We wish that using the system will be intuitive and easy, and that managing the electricity meters, monitoring the measurement data and troubleshooting will be clear and efficient. In addition, we expect improved quality in both metering data and data transmission, compared to our current solution, Frank Hoverfelt, managing director of Raaseporin Energia says.
Device installations will be carried out by the company’s own installers and will start at the beginning of 2023. Before that, a fluent data flow between devices and systems will be ensured, and system testing will be done with a pilot of around one hundred devices.
The company plans to utilise the system also for monitoring the status of the distribution network and troubleshooting using the map-based Aidon One solution.

Frank Hoverfelt expects flexible and easy cooperation with Aidon.
– Aidon has done a lot of projects with different companies of different sizes. We will get a standard solution by Aidon, which will not require development of new for us. We trust that Aidon will be well able to deliver such a solution to us.
Business Unit Director of Aidon in Finland, Petteri Heinänen is happy about the cooperation with the new customer.
– Raaseporin Energia will certainly benefit from the system’s real-time network status information and alarms, which will enhance the use of personnel resources and ensure an even better customer experience for the electricity customers. Aidon’s reliable and resilient communication technologies will also release resources for grid company’s other tasks.
– From the beginning, the project has been very well organised from the customer’s side and, with a clear operating model, the implementation will be smooth. It is great to start the work on the new AMM system with the Raasepori team.