
Aidon’s owner is Gridspertise S.r.l., a company jointly owned and controlled by CVC Capital Partners and Enel Grids S.r.l. Gridspertise acquired  Aidon in 2023.

Gridspertise is a global player dedicated to supporting distribution system operators worldwide in accelerating the digital transformation of electricity grid. Aidon operates as a stand-alone company under Gridspertise ownership, serving existing and new customers with continued focus on innovation and customer value.

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“We are excited to welcome Aidon to the Gridspertise family and be part of the journey in furthering the Nordics energy transition, combining Aidon’s successful customer-centric approach and innovative solutions with our global reach and cutting-edge technologies in grid automation. By complementing our expertise, we will accelerate innovation and deliver a comprehensive portfolio of solutions to our customers in the region and around the world.”

Robert Denda, CEO of Gridspertise