Kundenes casehistorier 20.10.2020

Quick replacement project, versatile benefits – Norrtälje Energi renewed its metering system

Norrtälje Energi renewed its energy metering in a project that lasted just over a year. 16,000 electricity meters were replaced. RF technology streamlined the installation work of the equipment. Also district heat meters are read via the same metering system.

In the Norrtälje Energi’s energy metering system renewal project, which started in autumn 2019, all of the company’s 16,000 household meters were replaced in just over a year. In Aidon’s total delivery project, the installation partner was Eltel. Norrtälje Energi’s installer Andreas Ljungqvist was involved in the project, assisting with installation solutions for challenging sites, among other things. According to him, the work of replacing the meters went smoothly.

– A big advantage for the installers was that we did not have to program each individual meter manually in the field. Aidon’s new RF meters independently connect to the system through other devices, which significantly streamlined and accelerated the installation work, Andreas Ljungqvist comments.

What has changed with the new system?

– A big change is that we can remotely turn the electricity on and off at houses and apartments, which naturally saves a lot of time. For the colleagues who work on grid operation, the possibility to receive information about power outages with their duration is an important feature.

– The meters also provide alarm information on various fault situations, such as zero faults, phase faults and under-voltages. In other words, we use the meters in a versatile way for more than just collecting consumption data.

In addition to electricity distribution, Norrtälje Energi is also responsible for the distribution of district heating. By connecting the district heat meters to the same metering system, utilising the wireless mBus interface of the Aidon electricity meters, no separate system for collecting consumption data from district heat meters is needed.